It’s a top-tier Garak story (and there are no bad ones), but it’s also a shining moment for Worf, who joined the cast of DS9 at the start of season 4 and was continuing to evolve as a character. Garak and Worf venture into enemy territory in search of Garak’s missing mentor, only to stumble across a far larger mystery.

In a pair of episodes that mirrors a later entry on our list, shifty Cardassian spy Garak (Andrew Robinson) and surly Klingon warrior Worf (Michael Dorn) embark on a mission that seems inconsequential but turns out to have massive implications on the show’s ongoing narrative. In Purgatory’s Shadow/By Inferno’s Light (season 5, episodes 14 and 15) Paramountīy the middle of season 5, the Federation’s long-simmering conflict with the Gamma Quadrant’s conquering Dominion was nearing its boiling point. We hope you don’t mind us bending the rules just a bit - after all, that’s part of what made DS9 great to begin with. Some of the episodes below are totally standalone stories, some are standout chapters in multi-part arcs that can be appreciated on their own, and some are two-parters that we simply couldn’t separate and had to list as a single entry. Selecting just ten episodes of DS9 to showcase is a challenge, as many of its most compelling stories are spread out across multiple episodes.

Thirty years after its debut, Deep Space Nine is finally receiving the respect it always deserved. DS9’s serialized stories and long character arcs may have made it harder to keep up with when it first aired, but it’s perfect for the modern binge-streaming model, which has introduced it to a whole new generation of fans. Under showrunner Ira Steven Behr, DS9 gleefully subverted the Star Trek formula, pulling open the cracks in the franchise’s futuristic utopia and refusing to be bound by the episodic nature of weekly television. In the Pale Moonlight (season 6, episode 19) Far Beyond the Stars (season 6, episode 13) Improbable Cause/The Die is Cast (season 3, episodes 20 and 21) Trials and Tribble-ations (season 5, episode 6) Past Tense I and II (season 2, episodes 11 and 12) In Purgatory’s Shadow/By Inferno’s Light (season 5, episodes 14 and 15)